We print all 4 color process jobs at CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black). Before submitting your files they should be converted to CMYK. If your job is sent in RGB we will convert your files to CMYK which may alter the color appearance. This has to do with the overall color range and spectrum of color builds in RGB vs. CMYK and it can not be avoided. If you are printing a large solid black area please use one of these color formulas: C: 40, M: 20, Y: 20, K: 100 or C: 60, M: 40, Y: 20, K: 100.
Hard Proofs
If color is critical, you must have a color proof done. There is an additional charge of $25.00. The proof must be authorized by the customer before printing. Allow 2-3 days extra time to produce a proof and complete the order.
We produce cards that we refer to as “pleasing color”. This means that in addition to electronic calibration our pressman uses his keen eye to adjust the color to produce the best results for all the order on that sheet.
PDF Proofs
If you are concerned about certain elements of your layout/design we can generate a PDF proof for your review. However this will delay the production of your order. This is a free service, but it can take 2-3 days for us to email you a PDF proof. Due to inconsistencies in monitor calibration PDF proofs can not be trusted for color review. They are for content ONLY. Please clearly specify your need for a PDF proof in the comments section of placing an order. If it’s not clearly stated your order may be printed without a PDF proof.
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